It’s Your Business

A DIPV Workplace Toolkit

When domestic or intimate partner violence (DIPV) enters the workplace, everyone feels the negative consequences. By taking action through policies, practices, public education and good corporate citizenship, your workplace will be modeling values that show concern and respect for the individual. By supporting employees dealing with the impacts of DIPV in the workplace, you will be creating a safe, respectful and healthy environment. Healthy workplaces are known to foster high employee morale and contribute to staff efficiency and productivity.

In 2018, new legislation came into effect under New Brunswick’s Employment Standards Act requiring that employers provide certain leaves for their employees who have been impacted by domestic, intimate partner or sexual violence. In April 2019, the New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety regulation pertaining to workplace violence and harassment came into effect, requiring employers to take precautions to ensure every worker has a healthy and safe workplace that is free of violence and harassment, including sexual violence, intimate partner and domestic violence that may affect the workplace. Risk assessments and the development of codes of practice are now required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations.

This toolkit is intended to provide employers, unions and employees with information and resources to recognize and respond to situations in which DIPV enters the workplace. It is applicable to unionized and non-unionized workplaces, business owners, management, and employees. It can be used in large and small businesses, in rural and urban workplaces, across all sectors of industry.

You can use the toolkit in various ways by incorporating appropriate elements into your own business or work environment as required. The toolkit was created as an intersecting package, with each fact sheet complementing the others. If you choose to view or download distinct fact sheets, please keep in mind that the information may be incomplete and you may wish to refer to the other applicable components of the toolkit.

Some workplaces, such as those that have Employee Assistance Programs, may simply adapt existing policies or practices to include DIPV-sensitive provisions. Others may wish to focus on public education and staff training. Contact us for training at your workplace, or download our training presentation and resources here. No matter how you use this toolkit, we hope that it will contribute to a healthier, safer and more productive workplace.

It’s Your Business will:

  • educate and raise awareness of the need for early intervention in situations where domestic or intimate partner violence (DIPV) may have an impact on the workplace;
  • develop practical, flexible training tools that will help employers deal with the impact of DIPV on the workplace;
  • strengthen the relationship between business and community;
  • promote practices, policies, and procedures that support victims of DIPV in the workplace;
  • help create safer and healthier work environments; and
  • support businesses, large and small, in meeting their social responsibility to prevent DIPV from spilling over into the workplace.

DIPV Toolkit

Additional Resources


It’s Your Business – A DIPV Workplace Toolkit is not intended to replace the advice and services of professionals such as counsellors, lawyers or healthcare providers. We have developed the kit based on current research and information about domestic and intimate partner violence (DIPV) and from the earlier work of the Family Violence and the Workplace Research Team and other leading experts. Any reference to legislation should be considered general in nature and scope.

This toolkit is offered to employers and others with the understanding that the authors, editors, contributors and member organizations of the DIPV Workplace Committee of New Brunswick are not providing legal or professional advice. Employers using this kit should seek legal advice with respect to specific legal matters.

We hope the information and resources contained in this toolkit are useful to you. The “Support Services for Victims of Abuse” listed under Resources will help you locate and consult with professionals providing specific services within New Brunswick.

English (Canada)